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Editing essay

Editing essay

editing essay

Jul 26,  · Free Writing, Editing, and Research Help 2 - The essay has partially good and definitely bad points. Partially Good: The writer shows a good understanding of Writing FeedbackHuang Mike - 1 day ago Holt - 1 day ago. IELTS Task 1: Process- Sugar production from the sugar cane Editing the Essay, Part One Once you've done all the work of figuring out what you want to say, arriving at an arguable and interesting thesis, analyzing your evidence, organizing your ideas, and contending with counter-arguments, you may feel that you've got nothing left to do but run spell-check, print it out and await your professor's response has been connecting our visitors with providers of Business School Essays, Business Schools, College Essays and many other related services for nearly 10 years. Join tho

Editing the Essay, Part One |

When you have written enough to satisfy editing essay requirements of the assignment or you've said all you ought to say about a given topic, it is time to put your paper through the rewriting process. If you are one of those students who compose on a word processor, you're a step ahead of the game; if not, use the process of going editing essay handwritten text to typewritten word-processed text as one of the steps of rewriting.

As you go along, editing essay, some spellcheckers will underline words or otherwise alert you with beeps and editing essay that words are misspelled or duplicated and you can fix those on the fly.

Otherwise, don't bother with spelling here; you can catch misspellings later, editing essay. But do watch for clumsy phrases in your writing and gaps in your thinking, editing essay. Once your paper is in the word-processor, safely saved on both hard drive and floppy discrun the spellchecker.

Some spellcheckers are better than others, but virtually all spellcheckers will allow some misused homophones to slip through. There are dozens of such words, and you can review them in the Notorious Confusables section. You can do a search for words that give you special trouble and make sure you've used them correctly. Some spellcheckers will catch your typing of duplicate words, editing essay, but most won't, so you'll have to look out for that, editing essay, too.

It's usually the the little words that slip by as duplicates, something that your fingers do when your brain slips into idle. The beautiful part of writing editing essay that you don't have to get it right the first time, unlike, say, editing essay, a brain surgeon. You can always do it better, find the exact word, the apt phrase, the leaping simile. Pay special attention to words that end in editing essay. Some will be possessives, but you might have forgotten the apostrophe, and some will be pluralswhich can present their own kind of difficulty in spelling.

Grammar checkers are available on many word processors. They are far less reliable than spellcheckers, but they are becoming quite sophisticated. Some grammar editing essay are quite good at pointing out potential problems and even suggesting possible solutions. Don't be bullied by your grammar checker, though. The computer can easily catch extra long sentences and alert you to the fact that a particular sentence is really long.

It's quite possible, though, editing essay, that you need a really long sentence at that point, and if the sentence is well built i. If there are several sentences that the computer judges to be extra long, however, that's probably editing essay indication of a serious problem and some of those sentences might be better off broken into smaller units of thought.

Grammar checkers are also very good at picking up on passive verb constructions. Frequently, a sentence will be improved and your meaning will be more clear, more forceful, if you replace passive constructions with active verbs.

But not always, editing essay. Review the section on passive verbs to see those uses of the passive that are appropriate. If you've used the passive construction in an appropriate way, leave it alone, no matter what your grammar checker says. Go through the essay with an eye for proper punctuation, especially for errant commas. Again, whether you tend to leave out commas where they belong or use commas where you don't really need them is a personal matter that requires your personal attention.

Editing essay wouldn't be a bad idea to print out the section on Comma Usage to have it on editing essay when you proofread your paper, editing essay. Being careful about commas forces you to be thoughtful about the way your sentences are put together. Whether you have a grammar checker or not, it is a good idea to know the problems that bother you most as a writer and do your best to eliminate those difficulties as you go from assignment to assignment.

Try to grow as a writer with each assignment, eliminating the little glitches that your instructor caught last time and trying different methods of expression, editing essay.

Stretch your vocabulary a bit, editing essay, try for an interesting effect in parallel style. Mostly, look for patterns of errors so you can predict the kind of thing that gives you trouble — fragments, run-ons, comma-splices, parallel form. Never throw out an editing essay writing assignment.

Whether its grade made you happy or not, there is always something to be learned from it. If your Grammar Checker does not check for expletive constructions sentences beginning with "there is" or "there are" or "here is"you can do a simple search for the word there in the initial position and try to change clauses with those weak beginnings. Editing essay it's a matter of eliminating the expletive construction and then saying something useful about the real subject of the sentence.

There are students on financial aid at that college. The students on financial aid at that college have applied for renewal of their scholarships. You can also do a simple search for apostrophes, checking to make sure that your possessive forms are built correctly and that any contractions in your text are appropriate.

Some instructors feel that contractions are signs of lax writing or inappropriate informality and thus should be avoided in academic prose. See Tone. How much rewriting you do on the computer screen before you print out the paper for the next step in revision is going to depend on how comfortable you are reading text on the computer screen, editing essay. Most writers find it too easy to skip over problems on the monitor editing essay they need to have copy in hand, editing essay, literally, to catch all their errors.

Other writers, editing essay, however, have become so comfortable in their use of the computer that the keyboard and screen have become an extension of their mind — even more so than a pencil or ballpoint pen can be — and on-the-screen manipulation of text becomes second nature. It is editing essay a matter of practice, but some writers will always want to move quickly to the next step of working with paper copy.

Once the written assignment on the computer screen looks the way you want it, it's time to print it out and put it through some additional steps of the rewriting process. Make sure editing essay paper is double-spaced or even triple-spaced at this point and you've given yourself editing essay marginal space for scribbling notes.

Again, look for the problems that have given you grief before and try looking at your paper as if you editing essay your own instructor, looking for the same old stuff. Review the section on Confusion: Sources and Remedies while you're in the middle of rewriting your paper. Word-processing makes fixing things later on easy, even fun, so don't hesitate to do some serious scribbling, re-ordering of paragraphs, etc. If, when you go back to the computer, editing essay, you're unfamiliar with the techniques of highlighting and moving blocks of text, consult the software manual or ask a computer lab assistant to help you out.

Share your paper with a friendly editor, someone who has your interests at heart and who has the time to review your paper carefully and who is willing to ask questions and to challenge what you said and how you said it.

This person should be a friend, but not too much of a friend. After all, you're hoping for useful criticism here. Girlfriends, boyfriends, and parents make notoriously bad editors; they think whatever you write is wonderful, not to be improved. This is no time for coddling editing essay their part or defensiveness on yours, editing essay.

This person is not to rewrite your paper for you, but you can hope he or she will catch an occasional glitch in punctuation or lapse in reasoning. The main purpose of this "outside editor," though, is to challenge your argument.

Does the paper really make sense, is the argument sound? After all, you know what a sentence or paragraph meant and that means you are less apt to catch a confusing phrase or momentary lapse in the argument than someone else would be.

If possible, watch your editor's face for confused looks or glazed eyes as he or she goes through your paper, editing essay. It might mean that clarification is called for, that you skipped over something in your development, or that you've gone too far.

Before he or she goes editing essay your paper, it might be helpful to this outside editor to have a list of the kinds of things that have given you trouble in the past — or the things that your instructor is apt to look for. Share a copy of the Deadly Sins with your outside editor or use the more extensive Checklist provided below. If you don't have a friend who can go through this editing process with you, editing essay, try reading your paper into a tape recorder and then play it back to yourself, slowly.

It's important to hear your paper as well as to see it on the page, editing essay. Your ears will catch clumsy phrasing and botched sentences before your eyes will. If your outside editor and you can apply both ear and eye to your paper, that's four separate faculties being brought to bear on the matter.

Your chances of catching problems before they make their way into final text have just improved remarkably. There is a fine line between letting someone else rewrite your paper and asking someone to collaborate with you in the editing process.

Most tutors become expert at this after a while, editing essay. The trick is to let you, the writer, keep the pen in hand — or your fingers on the keyboard. Probably every professional writer in the world — whether he or she is penning a novel or a letter to the editor — will share a draft with a colleague before sending his or her text to the publisher, editing essay. And probably more than one colleague, more than one time, will be involved.

Nothing is more important in this process, however, editing essay, than your personal involvement and improvement as a writer. Some instructors will provide an opportunity for peer editing, editing essay, a process by which students make suggestions about their classmates' work. Sometimes, in fact, a student's effort in peer editing is an important part of the grade. Melanie Dawson, of the University of Richmond, has written an excellent description of this process along with a checklist of things to look for in someone else's paper and suggestions about how to mark a classmate's work: "Peer Editing Guide.

Most writers try to prepare a draft of their paper in plenty of time to let the paper sit a day or so before they go through the rewriting process. You will do a better job of rewriting your work if you come to it a bit "cold. Your mind will be less apt to provide missing links and gloss over errors in style if you can pretend that this is something you just happened to pick editing essay, something written by someone else.

Before you return to the computer to fix up your text, it might be helpful to run through a checklist of things to look out for in the rewriting process. Based on your own experience, you probably know best where your essay is apt to be weak, editing essay.

Concentrate on those points, but don't leave anything out. The table below is conveniently hyperlinked to explanations of the various issues. Click HERE for a one-page duplicate of this table that will be easier to print. Editing Checklist Can you point to a Thesis Statement in the essay? Is it clearly stated? Does the text carry out the purpose of the thesis statement? If not, editing essay, does the body of the paper need some paring down or elaboration or does the thesis statement need to be refined to reflect an improved text?

Are the ideas in the essay clearly ordered? If the reader had to, editing essay, could he or she devise an Outline that would reveal the order of development in your argument?

Is there any part of the essay that could be left out to good effect? If so, editing essay, could a revised organization "save" that part? Are there any serious fallacies in the Logic of your argument?

Are paragraphs adequately developed and is there a clear Transition from one idea to the next?

Editing and Proofreading Your Essay

, time: 2:22

Study Guides & Essay Editing | GradeSaver

editing essay

EssayEdge is the leading online essay editing service in the admission essay field. We provide editorial help with a personal statement, statement of purpose, and other types of papers. In case you need additional assurance and assistance, it is better to refer to the editing service to be completely sure that your essay is in its best condition Jul 26,  · Free Writing, Editing, and Research Help 2 - The essay has partially good and definitely bad points. Partially Good: The writer shows a good understanding of Writing FeedbackHuang Mike - 1 day ago Holt - 1 day ago. IELTS Task 1: Process- Sugar production from the sugar cane Editing the Essay, Part One Once you've done all the work of figuring out what you want to say, arriving at an arguable and interesting thesis, analyzing your evidence, organizing your ideas, and contending with counter-arguments, you may feel that you've got nothing left to do but run spell-check, print it out and await your professor's response

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