Theses and Dissertations. Most Masters' and PhD theses from the University of Washington are catalogued by subject area (like a book) and can be searched using the UW Libraries Search. Theses and dissertations are also available online in full-text via the Proquest Dissertations & Theses Global database. Cataloged theses are also listed on the Engineering Library New Books List the week they become available (which could be from 6 months to a year from the date the thesis Jul 26, · DRS: Digital Repository Service. The DRS is a digital archive that collects, manages, preserves, and shares the scholarly, administrative, and archival materials created or acquired by the Northeastern University community. U. New Mexico Lobo Vault Doctoral Dissertations. LoboVault is UNM’s Institutional Repository Dissertations written from forward are available full text. The database includes citations to dissertations from to those accepted last semester. Citations for dissertations and master's theses published from forward have abstracts. Simple bibliographic citations are available for dissertations dating from
National Archive of PhD Theses: Home
Our students' dissertation titles are recorded below, phd thesis archive usa. Full-text versions of all the dissertations are available via the University's Deep Blue service. To read dissertations in full, phd thesis archive usa in partial fulfillment of the doctoral program at the University of Michigan, phd thesis archive usa, visit the University's Deep Blue collection, which also includes dissertations written by U-M faculty.
Dissertations Our students' dissertation titles are recorded below. Beam, Emily Information and Labor Markets in the Philippines. Broussard, Nzinga Harriet Essays in Labor and Development Economics. Crow, Mark Economic and Social Determinants of Military Labor Supply: Essays on the Effects of Local Labor Market Conditions and the Opioid Crisis and Service in the U, phd thesis archive usa. Fitzpatrick, Anne Three Essays in Health and Development. Garlick, Robert Essays in Development Economics and Econometrics.
Godlonton, Susan Three Essays on Job Trainee and Employee Behavior: Experimental Evidence from Malawi. Goldberg, Jessica Ann Experimental Evidence about Earning, Saving, and Borrowing Money in Rural Malawi. Goldstein, Daniel Aaron Three Essays on the Objective Function in Economics.
Hernández, Mónica The Role of Out of School Factors on Student Performance and Educational Attainment. Hyman, Joshua Three Essays on the Economics of Education. Johnson, Erik Paul Three Essays in Environmental Economics and Applied Econometrics. Lim, Katie Three Essays on Female Self-Employment.
Mahajan, Parag Essays on Labor Mobility. Matsudaira, Jordan D Three Essays in Education and Labor Economics. McLaren, Zoe Essays on Labor Market Outcomes in South Africa. Montgomery, Nicholas Essays on Public Finance and Time Use. Murphy, Daniel Modeling Demand in International and Macro Economics, phd thesis archive usa. Nunn, Ryan Douglas Three Essays on Estimation with Unpriced Amenities.
Pounder, Laurie Life-cycle Consumption Examined. Ratner, David Diamond Three Essays on the U. Labor Market: Macroeconomic Trends and Cycles. Resch, Alexandra Margaret Three Essays on Resources in Education. Streich, Francie Online Education in Community Colleges: Access, School Success, and Labor-Market Outcomes. Theoharides, Caroline Three Essays on the Economics of International Migration. Thompson, Hope The Expansion of Renewable Energy Technologies and Their Impact on Household Energy Portfolios and Sustainable Development: A Study Of Nepal.
Toohey, Desmond Three Essays in the Economics of Unemployment and Aging. Tulayasathien, Soraphol Essays on International Taxation. Walsh, F. Elias Three Essays on the Economics of Education and Labor Economics. Beatty, Alison Cross-National Policy Diffusion in States and Provinces. Benstead, Lindsay Joy Does Casework Build Support for a Strong Parliament?
Legislative Representation and Public Opinion in Morocco and Algeria. Bray, Janna The Local Politics of Muslim Immigration. Brown, Ashley Reid Coffee Shop Conversations: An Exploration of How Local Elected Officials Develop and Engage Their Social Networks. Demessie, Menna Aklilu Navigating the Boundaries of Blackness: Congressional Caucuses U. Foreign Policy and African Affairs. Ellis, Cali Trust and Communication in Cross-Border Counterterrorism Networks.
Gause, LaGina The Advantage of Disadvantage; Legislative Responsiveness to Collective Action by the Politically Marginalized. Gong, Abe W. What Theories of Political Participation Can Teach Us about the Blogosphere, and Vice Versa.
Helfstein, Scott Adam Predispositions and Foreign Policy Surprises: Assessing the Impact of Rational and Biased Beliefs on Strategic Decision-Making. Hemphill, Portia Rebel Without a Pause: Discovering the Relationship between Rap Music and the Political Attitudes and Participation of Black Youth, phd thesis archive usa.
Howard, Tiffiany Ora State Pressures and the Forced Migrant: Evaluating Global State Failure in an Effort to Ameliorate the Consequences of Forced Migration in the Developing World. Kabo, Valenta The Political Economy of Property Rights: An Examination Into the Components of Land Laws and Their Effects on Politics phd thesis archive usa Growth.
Katz, Daniel M Perspectives on Law and Legal Institutions as Complex Adaptive Systems, phd thesis archive usa.
Kavanagh, Jennifer Erin The Dynamics of Protracted Terror Campaigns: Domestic Politics, Terrorist Violence, and Counterterror Responses. Kostyuk, Nadiya Public Cyberinstitutions: Signaling State Cybercapacity.
Lee, Jieun Political Activities of Foreign Multinational Corporations in the United States. Loftis, Kenyatha Vauthier Proprietary Threat and the Participation Paradox in Gifted and Talented Education: A Multi-level Mixed Methods Theory of Resource Distribution.
McGee, Heather Water, International Development and Collective Action: An Impact Assessment of an Irrigation Management Project in Southern Kyrgyzstan. Okwuje, Ifeoma M F Analysis of the Contribution of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women to Women's Rights: Statistical Findings and Country Cases.
Phinney, Robin Linden Diverse Phd thesis archive usa Group Coalitions and Social Welfare Policy in the United States. Phoenix, Davin Anger Mis Management? Racial Differences in the Emotional Foundations of Political Action. Potter, Rachel Writing the Rules of the Game: The Strategic Logic of Agency Rulemaking. Ravanilla, Nico Essays in Political Economy and Governance: Lessons from the Philippines. Reynolds, Molly Exceptions to the Rule: Majoritarian Procedures and Majority Party Power in the Phd thesis archive usa States Senate.
Stephens, Lafleur Nadiyah The Effectiveness of Implicit and Explicit Racial Appeals in a "Post-Racial" Phd thesis archive usa. Teodoro, Manuel P Bureaucratic Ambition: Professional Careers, Personal Motives, and Policy Innovation. Tkacheva, Olesya Federalism and Democratic Consolidation in Russia and Beyond. Ullah, Haroon K Tug of Faith: Understanding the Emergence and Success of Islamic Phd thesis archive usa. Cross, Christina The Color, Class, and Context of Family Structure and Its Association with Children's Educational Performance.
Dinzey, Zaire Zenit Fighting Crime, Constructing Segregation: Crime, Housing Policy, and the Social Brands of Puerto Rican Neighborhoods. Fang, Michael Three Essays on the Relationship Between Social Ties and Mental Health.
Forbes, Melissa Kay Climate Change 'Resolution:' Dynamics of Shareholder Engagement between U. Firms and Investors, phd thesis archive usa. Gillooly, Jessica ", Is This an Emergency? Greenman, Emily Kate Intersecting Inequalities: Four Essays on Race, Immigration, and Gender in the Contemporary United States. Grieger, Lloyd Dale Three Essays Examining the Behavioral and Socioeconomic Transition to Adulthood in the United States and Africa: Evidence from Longitudinal Studies.
Harris, Angel Luis Do African Americans Really Resist School: An In-Depth Examination of the Oppositional Culture Theory. Hevenstone, Debra Labor Market Inequality and Atypical Employment.
Johnson, Maria S Through a Daughter's Eyes: Understanding the Influence of Black Fathers on Their Daughters' Conceptualizations of Fatherhood and Womanhood. Killewald, Sasha Achen What Money Buys and Family Costs: Three Papers on the Work-Family Intersection.
King, Katherine E Biological, Psychosocial, and Social Capital Implications of the Neighborhood Built Environment. Lewis, Ronald L'Heureux Educational Inequality in an Affluent Setting: An Exploration of Resources and Opportunity. Liu, Airan Family SES, Non-cognitive Skills and Achievement Inequality in Phd thesis archive usa Early Life.
Morrell, Erica The Politics of Food Policy: Knowledge, Power, and Participation in two American Cities. Paul, Anju Mary Multinational Maids: Multistate Migration among Aspiring Filipino Migrant Domestic Workers. Pavelle, Bridget Jennifer Life Course Transitions and Instability in Health Insurance Coverage. Peachey, Everett State Sponsored Political Socialization and Public Diplomacy Exchange Program Outcomes: The Case of the Future Leaders Exchange FLEX Program.
Perez, Anthony D Muddy Waters: The Fluidity and Complexity of Racial and Ethnic Identification in the U. Pineda, Daniela A Federal Intervention to Improve Latino College Participation: Evidence from the Title V Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program. Roberts, Christopher Nigel Exploring Fractures within Human Rights: An Empirical Study of Resistance. Ross, Karen Elizabeth Charter Schools and Segregation: The Cases of Michigan and North Carolina.
Seefeldt, Kristin S Three Essays on Women Low-wage Work and Economic Well-being. Sternthal, Michelle J The Social Determinants of Health Disparities: The Role of Social and Temporal Contexts.
Turner, phd thesis archive usa, Kennedy On the Battlefield? Wyse, Jessica Jasmine Race, Gender and the Administration of Justice in a Community Corrections System. Yarger, Jennifer Lyn Eckerman Three Essays Examining Social Determinants of Fertility Attitudes and Behavior: Evidence from Longitudinal Studies. Zelner, Jonathan Leigh Integrating Social and Biological Processes of Infectious Disease Transmission at Three Levels: Household, Community and Region, phd thesis archive usa.
Have any questions? Kathryn Cardenas PhD and Fellowship Coordinator Weill Hall. kmcard umich. Economic and Social Determinants of Military Labor Supply: Essays on the Effects of Local Labor Market Conditions and the Opioid Crisis and Service in the U. The Expansion of Renewable Energy Technologies and Their Impact on Household Energy Portfolios and Sustainable Development: A Study Of Nepal.
Writing my PhD thesis - Life as a PhD student #19
, time: 21:17Dissertations/Theses | Princeton University Library

Dissertations written from forward are available full text. The database includes citations to dissertations from to those accepted last semester. Citations for dissertations and master's theses published from forward have abstracts. Simple bibliographic citations are available for dissertations dating from Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University. Students requesting changes to thesis/dissertation: Upon final deposit in the Institutional Repository (IR), a thesis/dissertation becomes part of the student’s official academic record blogger.com aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over colleges, universities, and research institutions. OATD currently indexes 5,, theses and
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