Sunday, August 1, 2021

Public diplomacy phd dissertation

Public diplomacy phd dissertation

public diplomacy phd dissertation

The Centre endeavours to make as many of the modules for International Studies and Diplomacy (ISD) accessible to part-time students. Where possible the majority of CISD lectures are at ; however, lecture times will be rotated on a yearly basis for some modules (between evening and daytime slots) so that part-time students will have access Program Overview. The graduate program in Psychology at Queen’s is internationally renowned for its excellent faculty and students, innovative training and value of its research, scholarship and skill have designed our graduate programs in Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social/Personality Psychology and Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science to The Smith School of Business also provides additional graduate programs - Master of Business Administration, Master of Finance, Master of Financial Innovation & Technology, Master of International Business, Master of Management Analytics, Master of Management in Artificial Intelligence, Master of Management Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Graduate Diploma in Business, Graduate Diploma in

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Rick Doblin, Ph. He received his doctorate in Public Policy from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, where he wrote his dissertation on the regulation of the medical uses of psychedelics and marijuana and his Master's thesis on a survey of oncologists about smoked marijuana vs.

the oral THC pill in nausea control for cancer patients. His undergraduate thesis at New College of Florida was a year follow-up to the classic Good Friday Experiment, which evaluated the potential of psychedelic drugs to catalyze religious experiences. He also conducted a thirty-four public diplomacy phd dissertation follow-up study to Timothy Leary's Concord Prison Experiment.

Rick studied with Dr. Stanislav Grof and was among the first to be certified as a Holotropic Breathwork practitioner. His professional goal is to help develop legal contexts for the beneficial uses of psychedelics and marijuana, primarily as prescription medicines but also for personal growth for otherwise healthy people, and eventually to become a legally licensed psychedelic therapist.

He founded MAPS inand currently resides in Boston with his wife, dog, and empty rooms from three children, one of whom is in college and two have graduated. Kris Lotlikar serves as the Deputy Director for MAPS. Kris is an experienced entrepreneur and futurist, public diplomacy phd dissertation. Kris founded Renewable Choice and served as President for fifteen years.

Renewable Choice was a leading supplier of renewable energy to global corporations and clients included over companies from the Fortune It was awarded Green Power Supplier of the Year four times between and by the EPA. Renewable Choice was acquired by Schneider Electric in Kris has maintained a life-long commitment to drug policy reform since founding Students for Sensible Drug Policy SSDP twenty-two years ago. SSDP has grown to a UN-recognized NGO with a presence on campuses in 32 countries.

Kris has served on the Board of Directors for SSDP, the League of Young Votes, the Flex Your Rights Foundation, public diplomacy phd dissertation, and the Arcview Group. Prior to becoming Director of Communications and Events at MAPS inBetty Aldworth was the Executive Director of Students for Sensible Drug Policy where she led and supported tens of thousands of students and young people united to build a more sensible future through reforming drug policies to be rooted in safety, justice, public diplomacy phd dissertation education.

Beginning inBetty led the organization through its most substantial growth period and in public diplomacy phd dissertation the organization in its most stable and sustainable position in its year history.

SinceBetty has specialized in community engagement, public relations, public diplomacy phd dissertation, advocacy, and policy reform for nonprofit organizations and, twice, businesses including as spokesperson and advocacy director for the successful Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, public diplomacy phd dissertation, the collaborative committee responsible for legalizing, taxing and regulating marijuana for adults in Colorado.

An activist and advocate since her first anti-nukes demonstration as a child, Betty organized her first action at 13 and learned her first hard lessons in coalition building when it was attended public diplomacy phd dissertation by her mom.

Betty fights to end the drug war to end mass incarceration, reengage citizens in the political process, public diplomacy phd dissertation, and build racial and economic justice. Rachel Parrish is a marketing executive and proud Chicago native with experience integrating creative strategy across communications, social media, marketing, and external agencies to manage the global identity for major brands public diplomacy phd dissertation the NBA, NBC Sports, State Public diplomacy phd dissertation, and United Way.

Now Director of Marketing for MAPS, Rachel's professional aspirations are driven by innovation, connection, public diplomacy phd dissertation, collaboration and curiosity, resulting in unique, award-winning campaigns for A-list celebrities, lifestyle tastemakers, and professional athlete spokespersons and endorsements.

Ismail earned his J. Ismail is licensed to practice law in the state of California, and is a founding board member of the Psychedelic Bar Association, public diplomacy phd dissertation. He has also previously served as Chair of the Students for Sensible Drug Policy Board of Directors. Ismail is passionate about setting sustainable groundwork for a just, public diplomacy phd dissertation, equitable, and generative post-prohibition world, public diplomacy phd dissertation.

Ryan Jay Beauregard, Harm Public diplomacy phd dissertation Programs Manager, Zendo Project. Ryan received his B. in psychology from Claremont McKenna College, and spent 10 years mentoring at-risk teens and families through wilderness survival skills and nature connection.

His passion for community connection, the environment, and intrapersonal healing continued with his involvement in permaculture, natural building, and ancestral grief rituals, public diplomacy phd dissertation. As a volunteer with the Zendo Project sinceRyan has had the opportunity to connect and expand the scope of psychedelic harm reduction in public diplomacy phd dissertation and festivals all over the globe.

As the Zendo Project Manager, he integrates his public diplomacy phd dissertation in public diplomacy phd dissertation, design and and community engagement. Aidan has a B. in astrophysics from the University of California, Santa Cruz, with a special interest in dark matter and the evolution of structure in the universe.

She is also fascinated by linguistics and speaks fluent Italian. Aidan has always had an interest in modes of healing for people challenged by certain physical or psychological conditions. From the age of 13 she has served as a volunteer for youth groups engaged in equestrian-assisted therapy programs.

She is highly supportive of the great potential and possibilities which could be realized through the public diplomacy phd dissertation promoted by MAPS, and is thrilled to bring her skills and enthusiasm to the team.

Leslie Booher received her bachelor of science B. in business administration and her master of business administration MBA from Southeast Missouri State University, as well as her juris doctor J.

from University of California, Berkeley, School of Law. Before joining MAPS, Leslie gained litigation experience at large and small law firms, from both the plaintiff and defense sides. Leslie is excited because her work at MAPS combines many of her passions: learning and educating others about our shared human physiology and psychology, striving for social contentment through imaginative socio-economic structures, aspiring for criminal justice reform, and calling attention to the unique role that altered states of perception play in conceptualizing, contextualizing, and coping with our own consciousness.

Kynthia comes to MAPS with a B. in political science, an M. in human computer interaction, and a lifelong interest in models of personality and development. Her interests have evolved over the years into a fascination with the design of institutions, organizations, and experiences that serve as vehicles for transpersonal growth. She became involved with MAPS in latewhen she interned in the office during the planning period for "Psychedelic Science in the 21st Century"; since then she has worn a number of hats, and her current focus is the ongoing improvement of our constituent database, so that we can continue to scale our fundraising and education projects to meet the demands of Phase 3.

She also still assists with volunteer management at events, and she has been a proud member of public diplomacy phd dissertation Zendo Project team at Burning Man since She is honored to have the opportunity to meet and work with so many passionate, intelligent, and creative people, and she looks forward to continuing to support MAPS as it grows. Grace Cepe serves as the Communications Associate for MAPS. She has a B, public diplomacy phd dissertation.

in psychology from the University of California, Santa Cruz UCSC. Before joining MAPS as Community Engagement Associate, Grace volunteered with MAPS and the San Francisco Psychedelic Society and has been an activist with Decriminalize Santa Cruz. Outside of her psychedelic work, Grace loves getting involved with her community, spending time in nature, hip-hop and salsa dancing, and getting lost in a good book.

Merete earned her B. in biology at the State University of New York at Geneseo in While attending Geneseo, and after graduation, Merete cultivated her passion for community organizing and education through participating in student groups, teaching outdoor science, and becoming a certified yoga instructor. Since joining the MAPS team inMerete has provided administrative, operational, public diplomacy phd dissertation, and programmatic support in her roles of Operations Associate and Executive Assistant to Rick Doblin, PhD.

Misty Dragon comes to MAPS from a career focused on environmentally friendly practices, and she received her bachelor of science B. in business administration from Western Governors and is a registered tax preparer.

She is an enthusiast of science, mythos, Jungian psychology, art, critical thinking, and yoga. She is enamored with fractal equations, the elegant math of nature. Misty engages in family caregiving, supporting chronic pain sufferers and volunteering locally to provide artists with tools to help them navigate starting and running a business.

She believes our strength lies in diversity, and with persistence and love we will craft humane solutions to societal ills. She began working with MAPS incoordinating psychedelic harm reduction services at festivals and events worldwide with the Zendo Project.

She served as the Director of Harm Reduction at MAPS from Sara continues to train individuals and organizations in principles of psychedelic peer support.

She is a therapist for the MAPS clinical trials of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD in Boulder. She maintains a private practice as a psychotherapist specializing in trauma and psychedelic integration. She has presented at conferences, universities, and events around the world. She serves on the board of directors at DanceSafe and as the harm reduction advocate on the city of Denver psilocybin policy review panel.

Sara believes that developing a comprehensive understanding of psychedelic medicines through research and education is essential for the health and well-being of individuals, communities, and the planet.

Liana Sananda Gillooly is a lifelong advocate for social justice, drug policy reform, ending war, and environmental protection. Liana has worked as a gallerist, art curator, event producer, and held management positions at Greenpeace and Essential Living Foods. It was through her experience witnessing the exponential growth of the cannabis industry that she became inspired to co-found the non-profit North Star, working to integrate psychedelic wisdom into public diplomacy phd dissertation industry surrounding the field of psychedelics, and Auryn Project, non-profit incubator for organizations building equitable, affordable, and accessible psychedelic medicine for all, public diplomacy phd dissertation.

She is a movement builder deeply committed to collective liberation, and works to build "the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible" by intersecting with public diplomacy phd dissertation in humane tech, regenerative ecology, indigenous protection, and purpose driven economics. She enjoys building connection with change-makers, and wrangling the resources needed to transform our world. She has been a featured speaker at numerous events, lobbied Congress, lectured MBA students, given a TedX talk, and is a member of the Summit and TED communities.

She a trained death midwife, vipassana meditator, and immersive artist. She is also partnering with Israeli and Palestinian colleagues to develop a psychedelic peace-building study. Natalie received her B. from Columbia. As a native Oregonian with the bona-fide spirit of trailblazer, Charleen has worked diligently to public diplomacy phd dissertation the cycles of addiction and incarceration set forth by the generations who preceded her, and transform her diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder PTSD into posttraumatic growth.

She was born and raised on Klamath Tribes land, which has given her a deep appreciation and admiration for indigenous communities and culture. in planning, public policy, and management with a minor in leadership and administrative skills from University of Oregon UOpublic diplomacy phd dissertation, as a recipient of the Ford ReStart and Diversity Excellence Scholarships. During her undergrad she served as Students for Sensible Drug Policy chapter leader, interned at Trauma Healing Projectparticipated in the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Programand volunteered at MAPS events from coast to coast.

She worked for Women in Transitionthe Development Officeand the Holden Center for Leadership and Community Engagement. She serves on the board of Edelic Center for Ethnobotanical Services and volunteers for the UO Prison Education Program. Assisting and empowering people from all walks of life to gain the knowledge, strength, and skills to heal intergenerational trauma is the work she feels called to do.

Beatriz Caiuby Labate Bia Labate is a queer Brazilian anthropologist based in San Francisco. She has a Ph. in social anthropology from the State University of Campinas UNICAMPBrazil. Her main areas of interest are the study of plant medicines, drug policy, shamanism, ritual, religion and social justice.

She is Executive Director of the Chacruna Institute for Psychedelic Plant Medicines. She is Public Education and Culture Specialist at the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies MAPSand Adjunct Faculty at the East-West Psychology Program at the California Institute of Integral Studies CIIS.

The Perfect Defense: The Oral Defense of a Dissertation

, time: 22:00

Graduate Program | Department of History

public diplomacy phd dissertation

The Smith School of Business also provides additional graduate programs - Master of Business Administration, Master of Finance, Master of Financial Innovation & Technology, Master of International Business, Master of Management Analytics, Master of Management in Artificial Intelligence, Master of Management Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Graduate Diploma in Business, Graduate Diploma in Julie Wang, M.P.H., Ph.D., is a data scientist with clinical research expertise in public health interventions. Her dissertation and research fellowship focused on developing and testing IoT solutions in both clinical and real-world settings to promote, measure, and analyze lifestyle behaviors (i.e., diet, physical activity, and smoking cessation) Our Ph.D.s teach at major research universities, at liberal arts colleges, in military academies, at community colleges, and in K schools. They work for the State Department, the Department of Defense, the Park Service, and a wide variety of both public agencies and private companies

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