Jan 29, · Home. Ultimo aggiornamento 31 Marzo Avviso 29/01/ | Contenuti Amministrazione Trasparente ante accorpamento In questo sito restano pubblicati, raggruppati secondo le indicazioni di legge, documenti, informazioni e dati concernenti l’organizzazione dell’amministrazione, le sue attività e le relative modalità di realizzazione fino all’08 ottobre , data in cui la Cciaa di Trust Mail Boxes Etc. for courier services, worldwide parcel delivery, business card, leaflet, poster printing, photocopying, Mailbox PO Box addresses, virtual office, Mail Jun 30, · The research began as a masters’ dissertation by Katie Hope, 25, from Manchester, who is now a psychology graduate from the University of
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Ferranti or Ferranti International plc was a UK electrical engineering and equipment firm that operated for over a century from until it went bankrupt in The company was once a constituent of the FTSE Index.
The firm was known for work dissertation bound manchester the area of power grid systems and defence electronics. In addition, in Ferranti began selling an early computer, the Ferranti Mark 1. The Belgian subsidiary dissertation bound manchester on as Ferranti Computer Systems and as of is part of the Nijkerk Holding.
Sebastian Ziani de Ferranti established his first business Ferranti, Thompson and Ince in Ferranti focused on alternating current power distribution early on, dissertation bound manchester, and was one of the few UK experts. To avoid confusion, he is often referred to as Dr Ferranti to distinguish him from the Ferranti company itself.
In Dr Ferranti established a new business, with Francis Ince and Charles Sparks as partners, known as S. de Ferranti. Despite being a prime exponent of Alternating Current, Ferranti became an important supplier to many electric utility firms and power-distribution companies dissertation bound manchester both AC and DC meters. He designed the building, the generating plant and the distribution system and on its completion in Octoberit was the first truly modern power station, dissertation bound manchester.
It supplied high-voltage AC power at 10, volts, which was transformed to a lower voltage for consumer use where required. Success followed and Ferranti started producing electrical equipment especially transformers for sale.
Soon the company was looking for considerably more manufacturing space. Land prices in the London area were too high, so the company moved to Hollinwood in Oldham in de Ferranti Ltd and raise equity, but failed to impress potential new investors as it was still dominated by family ownership. Over-optimistic market projections in the boom of —, declining revenues and liquidity problems, forced the company bankers Parrs to send the company into receivership in He spent much of this period working in partnership with the likes of J P Coats of Paisley on cotton spinning machinery and Vickers on re-superheating turbines.
Through the early part of the century power was supplied by small companies, typically as an offshoot of plant set up to provide power to local industry. Each plant supplied a different standard, which made the mass production of domestic electrical equipment inefficient. InDr Ferranti made a presidential speech to the IEE addressing this issue, but it would be another sixteen years before the commencement of the National Grid in Inin a move driven by A B Anderson, the Ferranti Managing Director, Ferranti formed a company in Canada, Ferranti Electricto exploit the overseas meter market.
But intwo significant events happened, Anderson drowned on his return from Canada in the Empress of Ireland sinking and the outbreak of WWI signalled an opportunity for Dr Ferranti to once again get involved in day-to-day events in the company. As a result of this work Ferranti were in a healthier financial position at the end of the war. Dr Ferranti's son Vincent joined the transformer department as manager in and was instrumental in expanding the work started by his father.
After the death of Dr Ferranti inhe became the chairman and chief executive. Production of clocks ended in and other product lines phased out in [6] Ferranti Instruments, based at Moston, developed various items for scientific measurements, dissertation bound manchester, including one of the first cone and plate viscometers.
Ferranti built a new power transformer works at Hollinwood dissertation bound manchester the mid s at a time when there was growth in the power supply distribution industry. ByFerranti had become an important supplier to the defence industry, but its power transformer division was making losses, creating acute financial problems. During World War II, Ferranti became a major supplier of electronics, fuzesvalvesand was, through development of the Identification Friend or Foe IFF system, heavily involved in the early development of radar in the United Kingdom.
InFerranti opened a factory at Crewe Toll in Edinburgh to manufacture gyro gunsights for the Spitfire aircraft. Later products included solid state ring laser gyros. FromFerranti-Packard assisted the Royal Canadian Navy develop DATAR Digital Automated Tracking and Resolving. DATAR was a pioneering computerized battlefield information system that combined radar and sonar information to provide commanders with an "overall view" of a battlefield, allowing them to coordinate attacks on submarines and aircraft.
In the s, work focused on the development of airborne radar, dissertation bound manchester, with the company subsequently supplying radars to most of the UK's fast jet and helicopter fleets. leads the consortium providing the Euroradar CAPTOR radar for the Eurofighter Typhoon. In the s and s, inertial navigation systems dissertation bound manchester an important product line for the company with systems designed for fast jet Harrier, dissertation bound manchester, Phantom, Tornadospace and land applications.
In addition to their other military and civil applications, they were used in the ESA Ariane 4 and first Ariane 5 launches. Ferranti also produced the PADS Position and Azimuth Determining Systeman inertial navigation system which could be mounted in a vehicle and was used by the British Army.
With the invention of the laser in the s, the company quickly established itself in the electro-optics arena. From the early s, it was delivering the Laser Rangefinder and Marked Target Seeker LRMTS for the Jaguar and Harrier fleets, and later for Tornado. Its TIALD Pod Thermal Imaging Airborne Laser Designator has been in almost constant combat operation on the Tornado since it was rushed into service during the first Gulf War.
From the s through to the late s, the Bristol Ferranti Bloodhound SAMfor which Ferranti developed radar systems, was a key money earner, dissertation bound manchester. InFerranti became involved in the sonar field through its involvement with Plessey in a new series of sonars, for which it designed and built the computer subsystems.
This work later expanded when it won a contract for the complete Sonar The work was originally carried out at the Wythenshawe factory and then at Cheadle Heath. Takeovers of other companies gave it expertise in sonar arrays. This business later became Ferranti Thomson Sonar Systems. The selection of the radar for dissertation bound manchester project that became the Eurofighter Typhoon became a major international issue in the dissertation bound manchester s.
Britain, Italy, and Spain supported the Ferranti-led ECRwhile Germany preferred the MSD a collaboration between HughesAEG and GEC. An agreement was reached after UK Defence Secretary Tom King dissertation bound manchester his German counterpart Gerhard Stoltenberg that the British government would underwrite the project and allow GEC to acquire Ferranti Defence Systems from its troubled parent.
and had the companies, which were bound by the Collaboration Agreement, dissertation bound manchester, faithfully and diligently performed their continuing obligations thereunder to press and promote the case for MSD The company began marketing optical position measuring equipment for machine tools in In the late s there were several sections of the company involved in non-military areas.
These included microwave communications equipment Ferranti Communicationsdissertation bound manchester petrol gas station pumps Ferranti Autocourt. Both of these departments were based at DalkeithScotland. In the late s Ferranti joined with various university-based research groups to develop computers.
Their first effort was dissertation bound manchester Ferranti Mark 1completed in[2] with about nine delivered between and The Pegasus introduced in was their most popular valve vacuum tube system, [21] with 38 units sold. CircaIvan Idelson, at Ferranti, originated the Cluff—Foster—Idelson coding of characters on 7-track paper tape for a BSI committee.
In collaboration with the Victoria University of Manchester dissertation bound manchester built a new version of the famous Mark 1 that replaced valve diodes with solid state versions, which allowed the speed to be increased dramatically as well as increasing reliability.
Although a small part of Ferranti's empire, the computer division was nevertheless highly visible and operated out of a former steam locomotive factory in West Gorton. Work on a completely new design, dissertation bound manchester, the Atlas[21] started soon after the delivery dissertation bound manchester the Mercury, aiming to dramatically improve performance, dissertation bound manchester.
Ferranti continued their collaboration with the University of Manchester, and Plessey Co. The second generation supercomputer first ran in December Eventually six machines were built, one of which was a stripped-down version that was modified for the needs of the University of Cambridge Mathematical Laboratory ; the Titan or Atlas 2 was the mainstay of scientific computing in Cambridge for nearly 8 years. Atlas dissertation bound manchester the first computer in the world to implement virtual memory.
By dissertation bound manchester early s their mid-size machines were no longer competitive, but efforts to design a replacement were bogged down. Into this void stepped the Canadian division, Ferranti-Packardwho had used several of the ideas under development in England dissertation bound manchester very quickly produce the Ferranti-Packard Eventually it was merged into International Computers and Tabulators ICT indissertation bound manchester, becoming the Large Systems Division of ICL in After studying several options, ICT selected the FP as the basis for their ICT series line which sold into the s.
The deal setting up ICT excluded Ferranti from the dissertation bound manchester sector of computing, but left the industrial field free. Some of the technology of the FP was later used in its Ferranti Argus range of industrial computers which were developed in its Wythenshawe factory.
The first of these, simply Arguswas initially developed for military use. Meanwhile, in Bracknell the Digital Systems Division was developing a range of mainframe computers for naval applications. Early computers using discrete transistors were the Hermes and Poseidon and these were followed by the F in the mid s. The FMB [26] was the first of the range to use integrated circuits and was used in many naval and commercial applications. The FMD was a single- rack version of the computer for smaller systems.
An airborne version of this was also made and used aboard the RAF Nimrod. Ferranti had been involved in the production of electronic devices, including radio valvescathode-ray tubes and germanium semiconductors for some time before it became the first European company to produce a silicon diodein In they launched the ZNdissertation bound manchester, a single-chip AM radio integrated circuit in a 3-pin package.
Ferranti Semiconductor Ltd. went on to produce a range of silicon bipolar devices, including, inthe Ferranti FLan early bit microprocessor with bit addressing. Ferranti's ZTX series bipolar transistors gave their name to the inheritor of Ferranti Semiconductor's discrete semiconductor business, Zetex Semiconductors plc, dissertation bound manchester.
In the early s, Ferranti produced some of the first large uncommitted logic arrays ULAsused in home computers such as the Sinclair ZX81Sinclair ZX Spectrumdissertation bound manchester, Acorn Electron and BBC Micro. The microelectronics business was sold to Plessey in In Ferranti purchased International Signal and Control ISCa United States defence contractor based in Pennsylvania.
and restructured the dissertation bound manchester business into the following divisions: Ferranti Dissertation bound manchester Systems, Ferranti Defence Systems, Ferranti Dynamics, Ferranti Satcomms, Ferranti Telecoms, Ferranti Technologies and International Signal and Control. Unknown to Ferranti, ISC's business primarily consisted of illegal arms sales started at the behest of various US clandestine organizations.
On paper the company looked to be extremely profitable on sales of high-priced "above board" items, but these profits were essentially non-existent. With the sale to Ferranti all illegal sales ended immediately, leaving the company with no obvious cash flow.
In the UK's Serious Fraud Dissertation bound manchester started criminal investigation regarding alleged massive fraud at ISC.
In December James Guerin, founder of ISC and co-Chairman of the merged company, pleaded guilty before the federal court in Philadelphia to fraud committed both in the US and UK. All offences which would have formed part of any UK prosecution were encompassed by the US trial and as such no UK trial proceeded.
The financial and legal difficulties that resulted forced Ferranti into bankruptcy in December The company had factories in Greater Manchester at HollinwoodMostonChadderton Gem MillWaterhead Cairo MillDerkerWythenshaweCheadle HeathWest Gortonand Poynton. Eventually it set up branch-plants in Edinburgh Silverknowes, Crewe Toll, Gyle, Granton and Robertson Avenue factories, plus its own hangar facility at Turnhouse AirportDalkeithAberdeenDundeeKinbuck near DunblaneBracknellBarrow in Furness and Cwmbran as well as Germany and the United States inc.
Ferranti International Controls Corporation in Sugar Land, Texas and several British Commonwealth countries including CanadaAustralia and Singapore.
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Ferranti or Ferranti International plc was a UK electrical engineering and equipment firm that operated for over a century from until it went bankrupt in The company was once a constituent of the FTSE Index.. The firm was known for work in the area of power grid systems and defence blogger.com addition, in Ferranti began selling an early computer, the Ferranti Mark 1 Jan 29, · Home. Ultimo aggiornamento 31 Marzo Avviso 29/01/ | Contenuti Amministrazione Trasparente ante accorpamento In questo sito restano pubblicati, raggruppati secondo le indicazioni di legge, documenti, informazioni e dati concernenti l’organizzazione dell’amministrazione, le sue attività e le relative modalità di realizzazione fino all’08 ottobre , data in cui la Cciaa di Dec 29, · Storer v Manchester City Council [] 1 WLR FORMATION OF CONTRACT. Facts. The defendant City Council refused to proceed with the sale of a council property to the claimant under an arrangement which had been agreed with its predecessor
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