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SS physician Josef Mengele conducted inhumane medical experiments on prisoners at Auschwitz. He was the most prominent of a group of Nazi doctors who conducted experiments that often caused great harm or death to the prisoners, find dissertation online aachen.
Mengele used Nazi racial theory to justify a wide spectrum of experiments on Jews and Roma Gypsies. Many of those subjected to Mengele's experiments died as a result or were murdered in order to facilitate post-mortem examination.
Mengele escaped to South America after the war, evading prosecution as a war criminal. He died there in Josef Mengele was born on March 16,in Günzburg, near Ulm, Germany.
He was the eldest son of Karl Mengele, a prosperous manufacturer of farming implements. Inhe earned a PhD in physical anthropology from the University of Munich. He also held a doctoral degree in genetic medicine.
In Januaryhe became the assistant of Dr. Otmar von Verschuer at the Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene in Frankfurt. Verschuer was a leading scientific figure widely known for his research with twins. Mengele joined the Nazi Party in He received his medical degree inthe same year he joined the SS. Mengele was drafted into the army in Juneand subsequently volunteered for the medical service of the Waffen -SS Armed SS. There is little and often contradictory documentation about Mengele's activities between this time and early It is clear, however, that he first functioned as a medical expert for the Race and Settlement Main Office in summer at the Central Immigration Office North-East in Posen today Poznan.
Wounded while on campaign, find dissertation online aachen, Mengele returned to Germany in January He began work at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute KWI for Anthropology, find dissertation online aachen, Human Genetics, and Eugenics, directed by his former mentor von Verschuer.
In April ofhe received a promotion to the rank of SS captain. This promotion shortly preceded Mengele's transfer to Auschwitzon May 30, During his time at Auschwitz, Josef Mengele was not the only physician there. It is popularly believed that he was the highest-ranking physician at the camp.
This is not the case. Eduard Wirths. He was still under Wirths' jurisdiction. Approximately 30 physicians served at Auschwitz while Mengele was assigned to the camp. These selections determined who from among the mass of humanity arriving at Auschwitz would be retained for work and who would perish immediately in the gas chambers. The association is partially explained by his postwar notoriety. Mengele became interested in using twins for medical research through his mentor, Verschuer.
Verschuer himself was famous for experimenting with find dissertation online aachen and fraternal twins in order to trace the genetic origins of various diseases. During the s, twin research was seen as an ideal tool in weighing the factors of human heredity and environment. Mengele and his mentor had performed a number of legitimate research protocols using twins as test subjects throughout the s. Now, at Auschwitz, with full license to maim or kill his subjects, Mengele performed a broad range of agonizing and often lethal experiments with Jewish and Roma Gypsy twins, most of them children.
He had a wide variety of other research interests, find dissertation online aachen. Among these was a fascination with heterochromia, find dissertation online aachen, a condition in which the irises of an individual's eyes differ in coloration.
He himself also conducted several experiments in an attempt to unlock the secret of artificially changing eye color. He also zealously documented in camp inmates the progression of the disease Nomaa type of gangrene which destroys the mucous membrane of the mouth and other tissues. Mengele firmly endorsed Nazi racial theory and engaged in a wide spectrum of experiments which aimed to illustrate the lack of resistance among Jews or Roma to various diseases. M uch of our early knowledge of Mengele's activities at Auschwitz comes from Dr.
Miklos Nyiszli, a prisoner-physician who assisted Mengele under duress. Nyiszli published his experiences, initially in his native Hungarian, in His work Auschwitz: A Doctor's Eyewitness Account appeared in English in Instead, in Januaryas the Soviet Army advanced through western Poland, Mengele fled Auschwitz.
He spent the next few weeks at the Gross-Rosen concentration camp, until its evacuation. He then made his way west to evade capture by Soviet forces. In the immediate postwar period, Mengele was in US custody.
Unaware that Mengele's name already stood on a list of wanted war criminals, US officials quickly released him. From the summer of until springusing false papers, Mengele worked as a farmhand near Rosenheim, Bavaria. His prosperous family then aided his emigration to South America.
He settled in Argentina. West German authorities issued a warrant for his arrest inand a request for extradition in Alarmed by the capture of Adolf Eichmann in Buenos Aires in that same year, Mengele moved to Paraguay and then to Brazil, find dissertation online aachen.
Mengele spent the last years of his life near Sao Pãolo. In declining health, Mengele suffered a stroke and drowned while swimming at a vacation resort near Bertioga, Brazil, on February 7, InGerman police, working on evidence they had recently confiscated from a Mengele family friend in Günzburg, located Mengele's grave and exhumed his corpse.
Brazilian forensic experts thereafter positively identified the remains as Josef Mengele. InDNA evidence confirmed this conclusion. Mengele had eluded his captors for 34 years. We would like to thank Crown Family Philanthropies and the Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation for supporting the ongoing work to create content and resources for the Holocaust Encyclopedia. View the list of all donors. Search the Holocaust Encyclopedia All categories Animated Map Article Artifact Document Film ID Card Map Find dissertation online aachen History Photo Series Song Timeline Clear Selections.
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Browse A-Z Find articles, photos, maps, films, find dissertation online aachen, and more listed alphabetically. For Teachers Recommended resources and topics if you have limited time to teach about the Holocaust. ID Cards Explore the ID Cards to learn more about personal experiences during the Holocaust. About This Site. Glossary : Full Glossary.
Josef Mengele SS physician Josef Mengele conducted inhumane medical experiments on prisoners at Auschwitz. Key Facts. More information about this image. Cite Share Print Tags medical experiments Josef Mengele. This content is available in the following languages عربي Português do Brasil Español Français.
Early Years Josef Mengele was born on March 16,in Günzburg, near Ulm, Germany. Mengele before Auschwitz Find dissertation online aachen joined the Nazi Party in Mengele and Other Physicians at Auschwitz Wounded while on campaign, Mengele returned to Germany in January Josef Mengele's Death Mengele spent the last years of his life near Sao Pãolo.
Last Edited: Apr 2, Author s : United States Find dissertation online aachen Memorial Museum, Washington, DC. See Also Article Nazi Medical Experiments. Glossary Terms. Critical Thinking Questions What pressures and motivations existed in medicine during the Nazi era that might have made Mengele's activities and choices possible? Do similar factors still impact the profession today? Thank you for supporting our work We would like to thank Crown Family Philanthropies and the Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation for supporting the ongoing work to create content and resources for the Holocaust Encyclopedia.
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